Welcome to our blog.

We are Sandra, Sören, Sandy and Tia.

As nomads on two and four legs, we have been traveling the world together since 2018.

Sandra and Sören, our two-legged friends, had already been traveling across all continents, before Tia and Sandy, two streetdogs from Cyprus, joined them.

On the road, we do not only live in holiday homes. The four of us are also dedicated housesitters. For those who are considering us as guests or housesitters, we have compiled some reviews below, that we received via Airbnb and Trustedhousesitters in the last couple of years.

We are wishing you an inspiring time browsing our page.

PS: For more of the Crazydoglady behind the pictures, check out Vagabondra.

Reviews via Trustedhousesitters

Reviews via Airbnb